5135 North Cocoa Blvd. in Cocoa, Florida
321-338-2986 or 321-636-6144 or 407-658-1818
5145 US-1, Cocoa, FL 32927
Mon.—Fri. 7:45am—8:15am
Sat. 3:30pm—4:15pm
Mon.—Fri. 8:30am
Sat. 4:30pm
Sun. 8:30am & 10:30am
Adoration is on every
Monday at 7pm &
Tuesday after 8:30 mass
Dates in RED are special holy days of obligation
30 BINGO Red Team
2 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
6 BINGO Blue Team
9 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
13 BINGO Green Team
15 Flea Market; Parish Parking ; 8am-2pm
16 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
18 Confirmation Prep. Session 4, 7pm
20 BINGO Orange Team
22 Dinner-Spaghetti Meatballs-Parish Hall 6pm
23 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
25 1st Holy Comm. Prep. Session 3, 7pm
27 BINGO Red Team
1 Confirmation Retreat, Practice, Reconciliation 3pm
2 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
4 Knights of Columbus Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Parish Hall 6pm
5 ASH WEDNESDAY (Fast and Abstience): Masses: 8:30am; 12 midday & 7pm
6 BINGO Blue Team
7 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
7 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
8 Confirmation Mass; 4:30pm
9 Reconciliation for Grades 3-6
9 Recognition of Altar Servers, Feast of St. Dominic, 10:30am
9 Lent Night for families-Living Rosary-Hall 5pm
13 BINGO Green Team
14 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
14 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
15 Flea Market; Parish Parking ; 8am-2pm
16 No Religious Ed Classes- Spring Break
20 BINGO Orange Team
21 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
21 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
23 No Religious Ed Classes- Spring Break
27 BINGO Red Team
28 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
28 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
30 Reconciliation for Grades 7-8
30 Lent Night for families-Lenten prayer garden-Hall 5pm
3 BINGO Blue Team
4 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
4 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
6 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am
6 The Live Stations of the Cross, Church; 1pm
10 BINGO Green Team
11 Fish Fry; Parish Hall; 5-7pm
11 Stations of the Cross; 12:15pm & 7pm
13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Vigial Mass, April 12 at 4:30pm
Sunday, April 13-Holy Masses at 8:30am and 10:30am
13 No Classes
15 Tuesday of Holy Week
Morning Mass 8:30am
Healing Mass 10:30am
Holy Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7pm
Adoration - The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight (Parish Hall)
18 Good Friday
Good Friday Solembn Liturgy of the Word, Veneration, and Holy Communion at 3:00pm
Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm
19 Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00pm
20 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Holy Masses at 8:30am and 10:30am
20 No Religious Ed Classes
24 BINGO Orange Team
26 Dinner-Roast Chicken-Parish Hall 6pm
27 Religious Ed classes 9:40am-10:20am (Last Day)
1 BINGO Red Team
3 1st Reconciliation for 1st Holy Comm. And Practice, 10:30am
4 1st Holy Communion; 10:30am Mass
8 BINGO Blue Team
11 BREAKFAST – Mother’s Day
11 May Crowning; 10:30am
15 BINGO Green Team
17 Flea Market; Parish Parking; 8am – 2pm
22 BINGO Orange Team
29 BINGO Red Team
31 Spaghetti Meatballs Parish Dinner; Parish Hall; 6pm
5 BINGO Blue Team
12 BINGO Green Team
14 K of C, 50’s Sock Hop Dinner/Dance (Tent); Hall; 6-10pm
19 BINGO Orange Team
23-27 Vacation Bible School
26 NO BINGO Vacation Bible School
3 BINGO Blue Team
10 BINGO Green Team
17 BINGO Orange Team
24 BINGO Red Team
31 BINGO Blue Team
7 BINGO Green Team
14 BINGO Orange Team
21 BINGO Red Team
28 BINGO Blue Team
4 BINGO Green Team
11 BINGO Orange Team
18 BINGO Red Team
25 BINGO Blue Team
2 BINGO Green Team
9 BINGO Orange Team
19 BINGO Red Team
23 BINGO Blue Team
30 BINGO Green Team
6 BINGO Orange Team
13 BINGO Red Team
20 BINGO Blue Team
4 BINGO Green Team
11 BINGO Orange Team
18 BINGO Red Team
WED Jan 29th
8:30am: + Francisiszek & Anna Dabrowski
THU Jan 30th
8:30am: People of the Parish
FRI Jan 31st--Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest
8:30am: + Wkadystaw Wodziak
SAT Feb 1st
4:30pm: + Crew of Space Shuttle Columbia
SUN Feb 2nd-- Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
8:30am: + Jean Mahan
10:30am: Sp Int for Our Reparation of the Sacred Heart
MON Feb 3rd
8:30am: Sp Int for all Mankind, Especially Sinners
TUES Feb 4th
8:30am: Sp Int for all Mankind, Especially Sinners
WED Feb 5th-- Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
8:30am: People of the Parish
THU Feb 6th-- Memorial of St Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs
8:30am: + Jean Mahan
FRI Feb 7th
8:30am: + Cait Bergin
SAT Feb 8th
4:30pm: + Paul & Mary Bertolino
SUN Feb 9th
8:30am: + Deceased Members of the Coyne & Griffin Families
10:30am: Sp Int for Jim & Carolyn Braun
MON Feb 10th--Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin
8:30am: + Jackie Cantin
TUES Feb 11th
8:30am: + Wendel Posey
WED Feb 12th
8:30am: + Jackie Cantin
THU Feb 13th
8:30am: People of the Parish
FRI Feb 14th--Memorial of Saints Cyril, Monk & Methodius, Bishop
8:30am: + Adriana Ficano Fizzano
SAT Feb 15th
4:30pm: + Ludwik & Aniela Gal
SUN Feb 16th
8:30am: + Jean Maha
10:30am: + Frank & Jeff Wagner
MON Feb 17th
8:30am: + Petter Nhue Hoang
TUES Feb 18th
8:30am: + Yvonne Scheiner
WED Feb 19th
8:30am: + John Stanton
THU Feb 20th
8:30am: People of the Parish
FRI Feb 21st
8:30am: + Anna Garee
SAT Feb 22nd--Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle
4:30pm: + Firefighter Greg Cronk
SUN Feb 23rd
8:30am: + Dcn. Richard & Marge Basso
10:30am: Sp Int for John & Mary Gal
MON Feb 24th
8:30am: + Anna Garee
TUES Feb 25th
8:30am: Sp Int for Stanistaw & Maria Gal
WED Feb 26th
8:30am: + Jackie Cantin
THU Feb 27th
8:30am: People of the Parish
FRI Feb 28th
8:30am: + Adriana Ficano Fizzano
10:30am: + Jacob Griffin
7:00pm: All Priests from Blessed Sacrament
10:30am: + Joel Alcott
10:30am: + John Stanton
Thrift Store
Tuesday - Friday 9am to 4pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Please DO NOT leave donations unattended.
Sales start at 4pm
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is located at 5135 North Cocoa Blvd. in Cocoa, Florida. Our parish was founded in 1967 and has served the people of North Brevard for over 50 years. Ground breaking ceremonies for the church were held in 1969 and the first mass was celebrated on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1969. Over the years the people of Blessed Sacrament have worked hard to create a loving, welcoming environment where all are welcome. Come celebrate with us.