23rd Bingo Orange Team
25th-26th Collect Baby Bottles For Life All Masses
28th Planning Meeting 7:30pm
30th Bingo Red Team
3rd KofC Adoration Hour-Church 6:00pm
11th Council Meeting 7:30pm
15th Parish Flea Market 7:00am
20th Bingo Orange Team
25th Planning Meeting 7:30pm
27th Bingo Red Team
1st Brevard Laps For Life-MCC High School 9:00am
3rd KofC Adoration Hour-Church 6:00pm
4th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper-Hall 6:00pm
9th Altar Server Recognition 10:30 Mass
11th Council Meeting 7:30pm
15th Parish Flea Market 7:00am
18th Assembly Meeting 7:30pm
20th Bingo Orange Team
25th Planning Meeting 7:30pm
27th Bingo Red Team
29th-30th Spring Membership Drive All Masses
30th Corporate Communion 10:30 Mass
1st Scholarship/Essay Contest Begins
1st Fraternal Benefits Nite/Open House 6:30pm
7th KofC Adoration Hour-Church 6:00pm
8th Council Meeting 7:30pm
12th Keep Brevard Beautiful Project-Statham Park 9:00am
15th Assembly Meeting-Nominations 7:30pm
17th Holy Thursday Mass-Color Corps-Church 7:00pm
17th Holy Thursday Adoration Hour-Church Hall 10:00pm
22nd Planning Meeting 7:30pm
24th Bingo Orange Team
29th Degree Exemplification-Church 7:00pm
30th Scholarship/Essay Contest Concludes
1st Bingo Red Team
4th First Communion Presentation 10:30 Mass
5th KofC Adoration Hour-Church 6:00pm
11th May Crowning-Color Corps 10:30 Mass
13th Council Meeting-Nominations 7:30pm
17th Parish Flea Market 7:00am
20th Assembly Meeting-Elections 7:30pm
22nd Bingo Orange Team
23rd-25th Florida State Convention (Orlando)
27th Planning Meeting 7:30pm
29th Bingo Red Team
2nd KofC Adoration Hour-Church 6:00pm
3rd Calendar Meeting 7:30pm
10th Council Meeting-Elections 7:30pm
14th 50’s Sock Hop Dinner/Dance-tent-Church Hall 6pm-10pm
17th Assembly Budget/Calendar Meeting 7:30pm
19th Bingo Orange Team
24th Council Budget Meeting 7:30pm
26th Bingo Red Team

K of C Calendar 2024-2025
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