Volunteer Information

Volunteer Registration Form
Download FileVolunteers are always needed here at Blessed Sacrament. We have a variety of ministries and activities that are always in need of help. If you are interested in joining our community as a volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form and either drop it into the church basket or e-mail it to secretary@blessedsacramentcocoa.org
Who needs fingerprinting?
Parish volunteers are required by the Diocese of Orlando to have a background check clearance through the Diocese of Orlando every five years and to have successfully completed the Safe Environment Training prior to serving. This is a requirement by the Orlando diocese of all who participate in church sponsored ministries and programs. It is meant for the protection of children and vulnerable adults:
All persons age 15 or older engaged in work or volunteer activities involving Vulnerable Populations must be fingerprinted.
Please contact the office for more information.
The Diocese of Orlando will inform the Church of your clearance after the fingerprint/background screening and the video and test are completed and processed. Fingerprint clearance is good for 5 years.