Parish Office and Hours:

The parish office is located at 5135 North Cocoa Blvd. in Cocoa, Florida.  The office is open from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday. If you have an emergency, call the main number (321- 632-6333). If you receive a recorded message, there is an option to redirect your call in an emergency.

Contact Points and Email Addresses

For information on marriage preparation and to make an appointment to schedule a wedding, email the parish secretary (  You may also click on the marriage link under sacraments on this website.

To get more information about baptisms or to schedule a date for a baptism, email the parish secretary (  You may also click on the baptism link under sacraments on this website.

Announced Masses:
To have a Mass said for a deceased loved one, stop in the Parish office and speak to the parish secretary  or, if that cannot be done, email her at 

RCIA (conversion to Catholicism):
If you are considering converting to Catholicism and would like to discuss your intention, or to join an RCIA class, contact the Parish Office,


Registration as a Parishioner:
To register as a parishioner fill out a parish registration form and return it to the Parish office.  Parish Registration forms can be found in the back of the church at  the parish office or click on the parish registration link on this website.


Religious Ed:
To register a child for Religious Education complete the registration form found under the Religious Ed link on this page and return to the Parish office

To find out more about or join any of our ministries, please email  and your inquiry will be forwarded appropriately.


Financial Gifts/Accounting Information:
Please direct all related inquiries to the parish bookkeeper, 


General Parish Information:
Inquiries of a general nature (procedures, ministries, whom to contact, etc.) may be directed to this website (

Mass schedules for Sundays and special feasts/holy days are always posted. See the Mass times link. Upcoming events are listed on the events page. Contact email addresses and names for special events are generally noted along with the description of the event.